For any queries feel free to contact Khadi Gramudyog Vikas Samiti. At KGVS we make sure to assist you in best possible way and come up with products as per the client’s requirements. You can visit our office in New Delhi or can contact Khadi Gramudyog Vikas Samiti directly through email or phone 24×7…!!
Khadi Gramudyog Vikas Samiti
2047/6 IIIrd Floor,
Chuna Mandi Pahar Ganj,
New Delhi-110055, INDIA
Phone No.: 011-23582817 | 011-32951612
Telefax: 011-23582816
Contact Persons:
Mr. Kamal Popli (President) - +91-9810156768
Mr. JS Raja (Secretary) - +91-9810156766